Love Lives Here - Habitat Stories | Treasure Valley Habitat for Humanity

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Love Lives Here

In a quaint living room adorned with photographs capturing moments frozen in time, Aladdin and Raghad sat side by side, ready to unravel the tale of their enduring love. The interviewer, with genuine curiosity, delved into their past, seeking to understand the threads that wove their unique story.

Aladdin's journey, marked by resilience and determination, began when he met Raghad in 2006. Raghad, a teacher turned housewife, spoke through a translator, her words carrying the weight of a love that had weathered trials.

Raghad and Aladdin on their wedding day
Another shot of Raghad and Aladdin on their wedding day

“The beginning of our acquaintance was at a tea party,” Raghad said. “I was visiting my uncle’s house at the time. As luck would have it, I was the one that opened the door for Aladdin. I felt a spark immediately. Then we had a conversation, and when the visit ended, he stayed in my mind and I thought about him and the way he spoke, his personality. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. After a few days, he searched for me at the university where I was studying, honestly, then I felt my heart bursting from between my ribs from the intensity of joy I had. Recounting those moments, I feel the same feelings, as if I were living them again.”

However, Aladdin, disabled in 2007, had chosen to withdraw from communication, not wanting Raghad's affection to stem from pity. It was in 2010 that Aladdin rekindled their connection, questioning Raghad about her feelings after years of separation.

"She's still waiting for me," Aladdin recounted, a tinge of disbelief lingering in his voice. "She doesn’t want to have someone else. She wants me."

Raghad's mother initially expressed concerns about Aladdin's disability, fearing he might not be able to provide for her daughter. However, Raghad's unwavering faith in Aladdin triumphed. "He's the man. He's the one that I'm looking for," she asserted. "I trust him, and then he will take care of me. He's not lazy. He'd never been lazy before."

Their wedding in 2011 in Baghdad marked the beginning of a new chapter. Despite the challenges, Aladdin ensured a connection by visiting Raghad once a year. Their love blossomed against the backdrop of uncertainty and distance, solidifying through phone calls and precious visits.

In a tender moment, Raghad spoke about her love for Aladdin. "I love him. I love him a lot. A lot. He's my hero. Because we are always in love with each other," she declared. Her eyes sparkled with emotion as she described the warmth of their hugs, a simple yet powerful gesture that spoke volumes.

Aladdin and Raghad together on a couch

As memories of their courtship were unveiled, one moment stood out—their first meeting after eight years, in 2011. Aladdin vividly recalled Raghad's impatience as she urged him to come closer, unable to endure the distance any longer. Their love story had unfolded like a fairy tale, with Aladdin deciding to travel to Raghad after seeing her in his dreams.

"I cannot wait longer," Raghad had exclaimed. The enchanting meeting took place on February 14, 2011, a date etched in their hearts as a celebration of love overcoming time and distance.

As the interview drew to a close, Aladdin shared a poignant revelation about the moments surrounding his injury. He spoke of seeing his entire life flash before his eyes, a surreal experience that left an indelible mark on him. Miriam, his daughter, appeared in a dream in 2007, a vision that preceded her actual birth by seven years.

Their love story, intricately woven with threads of hope, patience, and unwavering commitment, resonated in the room. As the interview concluded, Aladdin and Raghad expressed their readiness to review the story, ensuring that every nuance was captured accurately. Their love, a testament to resilience and enduring affection, painted a vivid picture of a journey that transcended physical distances and the trials of life.

AI-generated content: This story was written with AI assistance.


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