“The steps outside my house were so steep, I was hyperventilating from fear of falling even though it was so close. Now, thanks to Habitat for Humanity, I don’t need to worry.” -Peggy M.
Help ensure Treasure Valley homeowners remain safely in their homes
by contacting jphelps@hfhboise.org!
Older homeowners in the Treasure Valley, like Peggy, are in a real bind. They worked hard and paid off their mortgage. During those years they made critical repairs to their homes themselves, or had the resources pay to have them done.
But now they can’t physically do the repairs, and often don’t have the financial resources to pay to have the repairs work done. In addition to their physical and financial limitations, when they’ve had to work with local contractors to have repairs done, they don’t know who to trust.
This is important because all too often if these repairs are not made, the homeowner may be forced to relocate into an assisted living facility, or into a less affordable rental – all while the home they have owned for so many years falls into further disrepair.
Through Treasure Valley Habitat for Humanity’s Critical Home Repair Program, older homeowners living on fixed incomes now have a reliable, trustworthy, and affordable means to have the necessary work done to their homes. But we need your help.
We are reaching out to finance, insurance, and real estate companies to partner with us because you have a direct stake in what happens to these homes and to the people that own them. Through your partnership you can help:
But, most importantly, we would be working together to ensure that our most vulnerable homeowners remain safely and affordably in their homes.
Please look at the linked sponsorship information. In addition to helping these vulnerable homeowners, there are many benefits in partnering with Habitat for Humanity, not least of which is being attached to one of the most trusted, respected and loved nonprofit brands on the planet.